Famiglia, relazione a lungo termine Salute Stabilità, sicurezza
Cosa ne pensi circa le spese di viaggio:
Non sono pronto per pagare
Laurea / Specializzazione
Che religione professi?:
41 - 47
Va bene se hanno figli?:
Bevande alcoliche:
Di tanto in tanto(in compagnia)
Etnia della partner:
Bianco / Europea
Risposte ad alcune domande
Come ti descriveresti?
My name is Aksana. I like child's and family around me . i don't drink and don't smoke. love traveling, driving, sport activities, swimming, nature . I am looking for my soulmate to start a family. I am Christian(Orthodox), i believe in God and i am looking for believer ! ⚠️⚠️Please JUST CHRISTIAN. Every Sunday i go to church . . i wanna build a family based on God rules . I am an old stile girl , so i think woman should take care about family and house and man provide for his family. of course if you need my help with anything i will help you . Also i love a lot animals and in free time i help them, so if you like them too it will be very good ! I don't speak English fluently , but i think it just matter of time . . . Men if you have children from previous marriages, sorry , NO❌❌❌! . . . only if you are widower it can be ok. . ❗❗❗Please guys , i value my time . . . and if your profile is empty , don't write me just hi , how are you . . . i will not answer, because your foto , your age and your city does not tell me anything about you ! introduce yourself and describe yourself, what you are looking for and what you want. . . thanks . . . . .
Dove vorresti vivere?
outside the city or at sea
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